The students of the CMFP of Marino (IT) fly to Portugal for a Living Lab

Exchange activities and Living Labs between SSPICE IT! partners continue. This time it was the turn of the students of the VET centre of Marino (Rome), who went to Portugal from the 6th to the 10th of May.

Among its various activities, our project foresees, in fact, the organization of training mobility experiences for students in other partner countries.

Guests of the Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde, the students – four in total, accompanied by two teachers – enjoyed a wonderful experience of learning and cultural exchange, with many intense and significant moments that enriched their professional and personal background.

Five days, during which the students participated in various activities, including the Europe Day in Vila Verde, which allowed them to immerse themselves in the local culture and to understand the importance of community. Also memorable was the walk for the Earth along the river, where the students had the opportunity to interact with nature and reflect on the importance of environmental sustainability, a theme at the heart of SSPICE IT!.

The focal point of the trip was the meeting with Diogo Novais Pereira, Chef of the Year 2024, who shared his experiences and his story, underlining the importance of the relationship between food, environment and local community. Fascinated, the kids listened carefully to the stories of those who built their career and their company on the balance between these elements, finding the essence and success of their work right there.

An almost magical meeting, which confirmed to the students the crucial role of the food and catering sector in transmitting messages of beauty, inspiration and awareness.

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