CMFP Castelfusano: institutions, experts, and students discussing the future of the food market
How do international crises affect the food market? And how can food sovereignty and ecological transition be integrated? These were some of the questions addressed
The Visit of Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde in Greece
In early November 2024, five students and two professors from the Portuguese vocational education institution Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde visited Greece for an educational
The students of the CMFP of Marino (IT) fly to Portugal for a Living Lab
Exchange activities and Living Labs between SSPICE IT! partners continue. This time it was the turn of the students of the VET centre of Marino
Kickoff of student mobility: students from Castelfusano VET Center visit “Escuela de hostelería y turismo de La Rioja” in Spain
One of the most exciting activities of the SSPICE IT! project, the students’ mobility, started this month with a visit of a group of Italian
The Good Food Plan 2: a Brussels response to the challenges of sustainable food
The Good Food Strategy 2 (GFS2) of the Brussels region represents an ambitious vision aiming to transform the Brussels food system towards greater sustainability, while
Embracing Sustainability and Green Practices: A Vital Step for the Catering Sector
In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a critical global concern, and its significance extends far beyond individual actions. The catering sector, with restaurants at