Author name: admin

The students of the CMFP of Marino (IT) fly to Portugal for a Living Lab

Exchange activities and Living Labs between SSPICE IT! partners continue. This time it was the turn of the students of the VET centre of Marino (Rome), who went to Portugal from the 6th to the 10th of May. Among its various activities, our project foresees, in fact, the organization of training mobility experiences for students …

The students of the CMFP of Marino (IT) fly to Portugal for a Living Lab Read More »

Kickoff of student mobility: students from Castelfusano VET Center visit “Escuela de hostelería y turismo de La Rioja” in Spain

One of the most exciting activities of the SSPICE IT! project, the students’ mobility, started this month with a visit of a group of Italian students (and teachers) from the VET Center of Castelfusano to the VET Centre EHOJA in Spain. For five days, students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique educational …

Kickoff of student mobility: students from Castelfusano VET Center visit “Escuela de hostelería y turismo de La Rioja” in Spain Read More »

The Good Food Plan 2: a Brussels response to the challenges of sustainable food

The Good Food Strategy 2 (GFS2) of the Brussels region represents an ambitious vision aiming to transform the Brussels food system towards greater sustainability, while including social, environmental, and economic challenges. The GFS2 builds upon the first Good Food strategy (2016-2020) and aligns with the regional policy declaration 2019-2024, which calls for strengthening this initiative. …

The Good Food Plan 2: a Brussels response to the challenges of sustainable food Read More »

Castelfusano CFMP brings SSPICE IT! Sustainability principles in its external exercise in Roma Tre University

The food sustainability guidelines set by the SSPICE IT! project have reached Roma Tre University, thanks to the students of CMFP Castelfusano, one of the Italian VET centre participating in the project. The students were invited to cook during an important event hosted by the University and they decided to apply all the principles studied …

Castelfusano CFMP brings SSPICE IT! Sustainability principles in its external exercise in Roma Tre University Read More »

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